Oamaru Hospital


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Oamaru Hospital provides maternity services for women with a team of midwives providing Lead Maternity Care (LMC), and Nurses and Midwives providing inpatient birthing and postnatal care. To call our Maternity team please phone (03) 433 0290, press 2 then 1.

Oamaru Hospital Maternity Centre

Oamaru Hospital provides out-patient services for women’s health throughout the Waitaki region with a strong focus on support throughout pregnancy and delivery, from antenatal support, through to birth, postnatal care and breastfeeding support. 

The maternity centre at Oamaru Hospital has a strong focus on supporting families through education so that they can develop strong self-care, to provide optimal care for themselves and their family/whānau.

The Oamaru Hospital Maternity Centre has two birthing rooms, three single-bedded postnatal rooms and two antenatal clinic rooms. All patient rooms have ensuite bathrooms. Oamaru Hospital provides the facilities for women to have low-risk maternity care. We are focused on offering a nurturing environment for women and their partners, friends and family/whānau.

Accessing a Lead Maternity Carer

All women are encouraged to contact an LMC midwife or GP as soon as they discover they are pregnant. You can find a list of fully qualified LMC midwives practising in the Waitaki region via the Find Your Midwife website or by contacting your local GP. To book in for LMC care with the Oamaru Maternity Centre contact the Centre via our switchboard (03) 433 0290, press 2 then 1.

Breastfeeding support at Oamaru Hospital

Oamaru Hospital is a breastfeeding friendly accredited unit (BFHI) and offers lactation support services.

Plunket Pregnancy and Parenting Education Classes

Plunket provides Pregnancy and Parenting Education programmes throughout New Zealand, with a class in Oamaru held regularly. With a strong focus on supporting first-time parents, equipping them with confidence, skills and an understanding of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. Previously called Antenatal classes, find out more on the Plunket website


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